Saturday, August 1, 2015

Banana head fartman should be a thing

In the following video Loki is talking to some kids about their favorite super hero- he's trying to convince them they should becomes his fans. Then finally he asks who is the most powerful super hero is. Two of the answers are Grilled Cheese man and Banana Headed Fart Man bot of which I think the creaters of this video should turn into a web cartoon- unless they already are in that case they should add  link.
Anyhow I am assuming there is no such characters yet- but both would be funny.
Griled cheese man would have to shoot strings of cheese while Banana headed fartman would be a mutant with a Banana head and a powerful fart. 
The jokes would almost write themselves- immature crude it would appeal to all ages and forms of immaturity especially with some double entandres that can go over the heads of young readers and hit adults- for villains It would be great and -I would totally read it. 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Why I flew the Jolly Troll face

For a while I was using this flag, which  I found it on deviant as my profile pic. I was motivated to do this when facebook started looking like the confederacy had gone to war with the Skittles factory as people started chainging their profile pics to something with the confederate battle flag or rainbows. As I expected the web to be filled with insults, hurt feelings and butts I thought I would have a laugh at the situation and fly a troll flag.
As for my personal view of trolls-I believe it is best not to get angry but to laugh at them as you deal with them or ignore them as letting them know they have angered you means they have won.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

don't Welch on the Welsh

This is a long running petpeve of mine- watching a show or reading an article  that states Saint Patrick or King Arthur are English or lived in England. They were neither- they were Welsh.
The English did not arrive in the British isles until the late 5th - early 6th century.
They called the population living in the islands Welsh- which some think have its root in the same word Walhaz which meant stranger or forienger which would become Walach and Welsh.
Saint Patrick was born in the early 5th century- which means even if you pulled up clear evidence he lived was born in London- he was still not English he was Welsh as london was not an English city as the English had not arrived.
King Arthur - if he had any basis in reality would have fought the English invaders. In either case they are to be called any modern nationality it would be Welsh.