Tuesday, November 4, 2014


This is a response to my the post at
While I strongly agree that people should educate themselves and vote- the notion that bother's me is the whole idea that we have to vote for the lesser of two evils and want to add more to the post.
In reality there are more evils on the ballot than that- in the third party.
There is always the line that if I voted third party it would just get the major party candidate I like the least elected. This might be true but if the only real differences can be written down on a 3X5 card then does it really matter who you vote for? perhaps not if both major party candidates are horrible.
In this case vote third party as it show's you don't like either demopublican or republocrat and you like candidate X becuse they match your view better.
Next we have the system itself this is the reason I think we should have a couple reforms- first on an every election except for the presidential how about a requirement of 51% to win?
In the presidential election- how about a few rounds with some debates streaming over the internet and who ever else wants to broadcast the feed followed by an elimination round so that there are only two names on the ballot in November.
The lesser of two evil is not an excuse to vote as not voting shows you don't care while third party votes show where your heart really is gives the signal the major parties need to rethink their platforms.

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